Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Why Aren't Election Audits Required In Every State?

Volunteer researchers with United Sovereign Americans have found altered birthdates, backdated registrations, vanishing voter history, blank ballots, and much more in every state voter roll database they have meticulously inspected.

In October 2021, the official New York State voter list showed 109 particular voters who apparently voted twice in the 2020 general election, through two different ballot entry points.

Can there be an explanation for edits to an election certified as accurate three years prior? By raising such questions, volunteers in New York have drawn the ire of Attorney General Letitia James, who is now investigating New York Citizens Audit for alleged voter intimidation, under the Ku Klux Klan Act.

The discrepancy in Ohio the day after certification, calculated by attempting to reconcile official counts with official voter history records, was over 1 million more votes counted than voters who voted.

What statute authorizes officials to override this basic control? How come the votes and participating voters don't reconcile? In the Illinois 2022 midterm there appear to have been 291,234 more votes counted than voters who voted, a number obtained by comparing certified results with the statewide official list of voter registration and participation.

The only requisites in an election are voters, votes, and counts.

Election audits election fraud voter registration voter rolls. 


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