Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Two Young Voters Give Perfect Illustration Why They Left The Democrat Party

Just when the Biden campaign thought they could buy young people's votes by canceling massive amounts of student debt, the opposite effect seems to be taking place.

Two young voters, Grace Guentzel and Becky Oliveira, told Fox News host Lawrence Jones that they will not vote for President Joe Biden in November.

To be fair, that's what the Democrats bank on when trying to appease young voters.

Young people think emotionally rather than logically, especially when attending a university, but as they pay more attention and get out of their bubble, they realize that what the Democrats are selling - free college tuition, the Green New Deal, and Medicare for All - is only a fantasy.

As much as Democrats want to focus on what took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, many people still remember the riots during the "Summer of Love" vividly.

Oliveira told Jones that she will vote for Trump in November, as Guentzel has not decided yet who to pick.

The Biden campaign has yet another group to pander to if he wants to get the same amount of young people who voted for him in 2020 to vote for him in 2024, but the reality is that many young voters are not as enthusiastic about Biden and that should cause concern for Biden HQ, as Trump seems to gain ground among the youth.

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