Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Politicized Texas Grid: Sheridan Calls For Transparency

"Our affection for Texas runs deep, but so does our concern over its grid. It's time for a candid conversation about the state's energy policies-one that acknowledges the true costs and challenges of a blindly pro-renewables approach and seeks solutions that ensure the resilience of the grid and the well-being of Texans."

Texas is turning to government-aided natural gas to fix its broken political grid.

The legislation behind the initiative-which appropriates $5B in state grants and loan guarantees to the plants-was intended to spur 10 GW of new gas-fired capacity on ERCOT. We've seen commentary about what the supposedly massive "Oversubscription" means, with plenty of energy industry insiders hailing it as a rebuttal to the massive buildup of renewables on the state's increasingly shaky grid.

Careful Sir, there are too many problems lurking on the Texas grid to be claiming miracles at this point.

The lack of public understanding of what's going on as it relates to the Texas grid is also a concern.

Our affection for Texas runs deep, but so does our concern over its grid.

The wind/solar/battery experiment in Texas has wounded a once reliable grid by replacing consumer-driven, taxpayer-neutral, economic, reliable energies with inferiors.

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