Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Jill Biden Holds Abortion Rally In Pennsylvania, Only "Dozens" Show Up

Jill Biden brought her pro-abortion tour to Pennsylvania this past weekend in an effort to mobilize abortion extremists in the Keystone State.

For years, county residents fought valiantly to stop an abortion facility from setting up shop within the county's boundaries.

Sadly, in the past few years, Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion operation, opened a center in Lancaster as the abortion giant attempted to expand abortion in Pennsylvania.

In her appearance before "Dozens" on the Millersville campus, Jill Biden stated, "We are the first generation to give our daughters fewer rights than we had." Such a statement discounts the fact that abortion actually eliminates daughters and granddaughters.

In my interview with the television station, I stated that I hoped the First Lady would have a chance to sit down with a woman who had had an abortion and who regretted it, so she could hear first-hand the pain and anguish that can come with losing a child.

Both stands are out of step with the views of a majority of Americans, who view late-term abortion as egregious and tax funding of abortion appalling.

I also pointed out that abortion occurs more than 34,000 times each year in Pennsylvania, and more than a million times annually nationwide. 


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