Friday, June 28, 2024

German CDC Documents Show Politics Drove COVID Response, Not Science

 After multiple rounds of FOIA requests and court orders, documents very reluctantly released by the RKI in Germany showing that health officials deliberately lied to the public about the dangers of COVID and the COVID vaccine so that the government wouldn't cut their funding.

German journalists sued the German government for access to internal communication by the Robert Koch Institute, which is the German equivalent of the CDC. The court case was required since the journalists' FOIA request was not honored.

The experts recommended against closing schools, yet the government did this anyway.

The government ordered the experts to 'recommend' what the government wanted.

So the government did not "Follow the science" as was claimed ad nauseam, but "The Science™" followed government orders.

Why did RKI follow government orders? Because they feared being bypassed and becoming irrelevant.

The German health officials knew that the flu was worse than COVID, they knew masks didn't work, they knew the AstraZeneca vaccine was deadly, they knew lockdowns weren't recommended, and they knew the jabs didn't reduce transmission, but they kept all of this from the public so they could tell a fairy tale story about how if we all did our part and got vaccinated, we could stop the spread. Do you think the next time they cry wolf again, anyone will believe them?

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