Thursday, June 27, 2024

16 Economists Sign Letter Saying Trump Policy Will Increase Inflation – Reality Is Opposite, Here’s The Data

 The New York Post headline about experts claiming Joe Biden's economic policy is better than Donald Trump's reminds us of the use of "stacking experts to create disinformation" seen in the Hunter Biden laptop case. However, we have actual data on the outcomes of MAGAnomic policy during Trump's first term.

Traditional fascism involved an authoritarian government working with corporations for totalitarian objectives. The World Economic Forum (WEF) represents a new approach, with multinational corporations telling governments what to do. This is essentially reversed fascism, with the government doing what corporations tell them.

Before the pandemic, despite doomsayer predictions, there was no massive inflation from Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs. The U.S. economy was strong, and Main Street was growing. Lower energy prices and the fracturing of Big Ag's hold on farm production led to low food price inflation.

Retail sales were strong, with a 0.4% climb in August 2019. Despite efforts to remove President Trump, middle-class America was not overly concerned due to higher blue-collar wages, lower Main Street inflation, and strong consumer confidence.

Trump's targeted tariffs on specific sectors led to lower import prices due to export-dependent economies retaining access to the U.S. market. Import prices from China and the European Union decreased, meaning the U.S. imported deflation.

President Trump can save Social Security and Medicare by expanding the economy with his America First economic policy. MAGAnomics created the middle-class MAGA coalition, and no other Republican candidate has this economic policy in their outlook.

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