Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Did You Miss This Washington Post Reporter's Last Ditch Effort to Dismiss the Hunter Biden Laptop?

The device, long dismissed by liberal media members as Russian disinformation, turned out to be authentic after all.

The Washington Post's Philip Bump also disregarded how this narrative became a desiccated carcass of a media narrative.

Law professor Jonathan Turley wrote a takedown of Bump's piece : Across the media, journalists have recognized that the Hunter Biden laptop is authentic and, as established early by American intelligence agencies, not "Russian disinformation." With the authentication of the laptop in the Delaware trial as "Real" and untampered, most media has chosen to walk away with a slightly embarrassed shrug.

After Hannity lamented the media's silence on the so-called "Critical development," Turley offered a theory for why that silence had ensued.

Washington Post columnist Thomas Rid appeared to state the quiet part out loud by telling the media: "We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation - even if they probably aren't." [] In deflecting questions about the coverage of the Biden corruption scandal, Bump simply ignores witness testimony that has proven that President Biden lied about having no knowledge of his son's foreign dealings and met with his clients both in person and over the phone.

Drew Holden had a lengthy post on Substack about the Hunter Biden laptop saga, laying out all the receipts concerning the media establishment's heinous behavior regarding this story.

What else can you call what the mainstream media, en masse, did? 

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