Thursday, June 27, 2024


Executive Summary

In 2020, black Americans overwhelmingly voted for President Joe Biden in hopes that he would push

policies that would address the growing and diverse needs of their community. Eighteen months into

President Biden’s term, blacks are more than a little disappointed. Rather than the centrist pro-growth

and anti-crime policies they’d been promised, blacks have found that their personal situation in large

part is worse than it was before Biden became president.

And racism isn’t the issue. Instead, crippling government policy is the real barrier for blacks today.

Over the last year, the national debate has focused far more on the interests of eco and woke warriors,

rather than kitchen table issues like job creation and lower energy costs. The Biden administration has

pushed expanding the safety net, enshrining critical race theory (CRT) in the military, eco-alarmism and

abandoning America’s southern border.

Blacks aren’t just ignored by today’s priorities; they are harmed.

Inflation, crime in their neighborhoods, elevated energy prices and woke public and private schooling

undermine the social and economic mobility of blacks and tragically perpetuate poverty, trapping many

blacks and consequently fomenting anger towards the American experiment.

Project 21, a network of black leaders from across the nation, has identified eight key areas for reform.

In this 2022 edition of the Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America, Project 21 offers 56 concrete

recommendations, all of which rely on the strengths of America – including values like faith, personal

responsibility and free markets. If adopted, these would ensure that blacks reach their full potential and

that the American Dream is attainable for all.

Project 21 Areas of Focus and Key Recommendations

Criminal Justice: Make neighborhoods safer by addressing the skyrocketing levels of crime in innercity communities, increasing the use of body cameras by law enforcement, stopping the war on law

enforcement, discontinuing police department consent decrees and restoring bail and mandatory


Critical Race Theory: Stop the spread of this destructive ideology by reinstating President Trump’s

‘Combatting Race and Sexual Stereotyping” executive order, ending the Defense Department’s CRTbased training and barring federal grants for CRT instruction in history classes.

Education: Bolster students’ upward mobility by encouraging educational choice, incentivizing STEM

mastery and increasing standards for colleges and universities that receive federal aid.

Election Integrity: Encourage self-determination by protecting the votes of black citizens, restricting

noncitizens’ ability to vote and investigating and punishing voter fraud.

Employment: Revive employment opportunities for blacks by abolishing the Davis-Bacon Act, blocking

vaccine mandates, ending the war on the “gig economy” and not taxing young adults before they graduate.

Energy and Regulation: Protect black Americans from the harmful “environmental justice” agenda by

increasing energy production, requiring “minority impact assessments” on all new regulations, rolling

back fuel standards for vehicles and ending tax credits for electric vehicles.

Health Care: Encourage health and well-being for black Americans by making the U.S. healthcare system

more market-friendly, enacting a new “Medicaid Advantage” option for poorer households, expanding

direct payment options, ending the war on the unborn and opposing marijuana legalization.

Taxes and Spending: Promote financial independence of black Americans by encouraging innovation

and entrepreneurship, repealing tax penalties for married couples, repealing “sin taxes,” raising asset

limits for social programs and blocking COVID-related subsidies that fuel inflation.

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