Thursday, June 27, 2024

Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why?

Dr. Andrew Paquette, who serves as research director of the all-volunteer citizens' group New York Citizens Audit, has proven that New York state's voter registration roll now contains an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud.

All registration data is predicated on algorithms, which are basically equations added into the registration in chronological sequence to transform a voter identification number into a code.

In an honest system, the voter who registers first gets Voter ID No. 1, the second voter to register gets Voter ID No. 2, etc.

Paquette describes the algorithm as a "Spiral Cipher" recoding of the New York state voter registration voter roll.

New York State, Jefferson County; Voter Registration Date versus County Voter Identification Number and State Board of Election Voter Identification Number Paquette concluded that the Spiral Cipher's purpose, by separating registration dates from logically ordered ID Nos., makes it possible to hide and, when needed, track the fake voter registrations.

That's because American election laws invariably specify that state boards of elections have a responsibility to maintain voter integrity, in relevant part, by making the voter rolls fully transparent and publicly auditable.

In a 2023 article entitled "The Caesar Cipher and Stacking the Deck in the New York State Voter Rolls," published in the Journal of Information Warfare, Paquette explained his hypothesis that the algorithm systematically builds the potential for election fraud into the New York State Board of Elections voter registration roll.

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