Thursday, June 27, 2024

Your Must-Read of the Day: Liz Harrington on ‘How Georgia Was Stolen’

Joe Biden, a despised corrupt career politician who had been running for president since 1987, allegedly received the most votes for president in U.S. history, yet simultaneously could only sneak by in Georgia by some 13,558 votes.

The first machine count had dragged on for days after Nov. 4, the day Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger promised the counting would be finished and President Trump's over 103,000 vote lead was insurmountable.

The 17,234 votes Fulton County had to come up with were important.

"We submitted our results and then yesterday the state allowed us to do reconciliation. The results changed." That was an understatement.

Don't worry about the electronic record of the votes, they said, we have the paper ballots - they just won't let anyone else see them.

Charlene McGowan, the general counsel for the Secretary of State, admitted as much when she said ballot images are "Part of the paper trail that we use to confirm the accuracy of the results." All in-person votes in Fulton County, roughly 375,000, have no ballot images from the original results, and, according to the complaint, there are 17,852 missing ballot images from the recount.

"There is a concept called res judicata, which is the civil equivalent of double jeopardy," said Sara Tindall Ghazal, a Democrat Board member, wincing, when the fact that the hand count audit, which was the second count of the ballots, also included thousands of duplicates and false Biden votes, was brought up.

Case Number 2023-025 It has been nearly 2 years since Joseph Rossi and Kevin Moncla sent an official complaint to the State Election Board, revealing Fulton County had "No physical ballots" for the votes it added to the recount.

In all, Rossi, a retired PepsiCo executive and chemical engineer, and Moncla, an independent investigative journalist, discovered there were at least 42,000 votes in the certified count of the 2020 Presidential Election that have no actual paper trail, including duplicate votes, and over 20,000 from tabulators that "Do not exist." Rossi and Moncla are emblematic of the countless patriots who have dedicated their lives since November 2020 to getting transparency and accountability to America's voting systems.

The Batches Loaded Report - which contains the actual results as recorded as the votes are scanned - from the same day showed a 17,234 ballot shortfall.

The media was checking the results on the Secretary of State's website, which hadn't been "Updated since earlier in the evening." But where were these numbers coming from, if not the Batches Loaded Report, which is what Dominion uses to total the results, and shows when they were loaded into the server? Perhaps it was a second Batches Loaded Report, obtained by Moncla via a public records request for the Recount Batches Loaded Report, that showed Fulton County had managed to add over 16,000 votes to the total, but yielded yet a different result, at 527,741 votes, than the 511,543 of the first report, and the 527,925 Fulton County ultimately certified.

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