Friday, June 28, 2024

We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition

The COVID-19 vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition, and many of us have noticed both subtle and over cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address.

For a long time, the hypothesis that the vaccines impaired cognition was "Anecdotal" because it was based on individuals observing it in their peer group or patients.

Sadly, since the time the vaccines entered the market, those three issues have become some of the most common severe events associated with the vaccines.

The early advertising campaigns for the vaccines mentioned that you would feel awful when you got the vaccine, but that was fine and a sign the vaccine was working.

The authors acknowledged that long COVID could not be the primary explanation for what was occurring, and instead alluded to the elephant in the room-the vaccines.

VAERS detected a massive spike in cognitive issues being reported to it after the COVID vaccines hit the market.

The COVID vaccines have been linked to extremely rare protein misfolding disorders such as the rapid dementia caused by CJD. Cell Danger Response: When cells are exposed to a threat, their mitochondria shift from producing energy for the cell to a protective mode where the cell's metabolism and internal growth shuts down, the mitochondria release reactive oxygen species to kill potential invaders, the cell warns other cells to enter the CDR and the cell seals off and disconnects itself from the body.

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