Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Phony Civil Rights

All rights created to give effect to egalitarian values are phony rights, and as Lew Rockwell has explained, "Phony civil rights put your life in danger."

These rights are constructed within the civil rights framework, which is convenient for constructing phony rights because civil rights law is "Preapproved" as "Our shared values." Fighting against phony rights means rejecting the Civil Rights Act, and nobody wants to do that.

They prefer to suppose that the Civil Rights Act has been hijacked to suit Far Left and communist ideals or that civil rights law is being "Misrepresented," and if correctly interpreted, its worst excesses will be avoided.

In discussing the criminalization of "Harassment," which is defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to include offending members of protected groups, Rothbard situates the roots of phony rights squarely in the civil rights apparatus: "The start of the evil can be pinpointed precisely: the monstrous Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically Title VII, prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, sex, and other possible characteristics."

The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a landmark civil rights law protects gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination.... ... The vastly consequential decision extended workplace protections to millions of people across the nation, continuing a series of Supreme Court victories for gay rights even after President Trump transformed the court with his two appointments.

Once you have an open mandate to create phony rights, there is no logical stopping point to how many phony rights you can or indeed should create.

Those who criticize perverse civil rights practices as "Illegal" overlook the fact that the civil rights apparatus provides such practices with watertight cover by creating a system of perverse incentives within which its multiple failures cannot be challenged. 


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