Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden Regime Unseals Indictment Of Dr. Eithan Haim, Who Faces Up To 10 Years In Prison For Exposing Illegal Child Gender Mutilations At Texas Children's Hospital

Biden regime unseals indictment of Dr. Eithan Haim, who faces up to 10 years in prison for exposing illegal child gender mutilations at Texas Children's Hospital.

The indictment of Dr. Eithan Haim is now unsealed, showing that the Biden regime is anti-children, anti-innocence and pro-evil.

Haim, a 34-year-old whistleblower from Dallas, pleaded not guilty after being falsely accused of violating HIPAA laws that are shielding Texas Children's Hospital from proper scrutiny over the illegal "Gender-affirming care" being offered to children in defiance of state law.

A surgeon, Haim faces four felony charges, that we now know thanks to the indictment unsealing, include attempting to reactivate his login credentials under false pretenses after they expired due to lack of activity.

What Haim appears to have done was basically "Break into" the computer systems at Texas Children's in order to expose the evils taking place there against children who have been manipulated by adults into developing gender dysphoria and feeling the desire to join the cult of LGBT. Normal people would call Haim a hero, but the Biden regime and its corporate media lapdogs are raking him over the coals over trumped up and quite frankly bogus charges that are clearly politically motivated to punish Haim for doing the right thing in the face of evil.

It all started back in May 2023 when Haim leaked documents to journalist Christopher Rufo showing that Texas Children's has continued to operate its child gender clinic in violation of Texas law.

Haim respected each and every patient at the hospital and merely shared the documents to expose criminal activity taking place at Texas Children's.

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