Friday, June 28, 2024

About That Hit Piece Letter Against Trump Signed By '16 Nobel Prize-Winning Economists'

 A majority of voters think that former President Trump handled the economy better than Biden is doing.

Taking a page from the 2020 election playbook, Team Biden released a letter on Tuesday - two days before the first presidential debate - that is signed by '16 Nobel Prize-winning economists.

' Shades of 51 members of the intelligence community signing a letter about Hunter Biden's laptop from hell being Russian disinformation, anyone? Yeah.

Biden's economic agenda, according to these experts, is "Vastly superior" to Trump's during his time in office.

"While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden's economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump," the economists state in their letter.

Economist Joseph Stiglitz, the Columbia University professor who reportedly spearheaded the letter, previously signed a letter supporting Biden's Build Back Better agenda and donated $1,250 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020.

Georgetown University Professor George A. Akerlof, who is married to Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, donated $25,000 to the Biden Victory Fund and maxed out as a donor in 2020, giving the campaign $5,600.

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