Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Democrats: The Party of Political Violence

From the Weather Underground and Black Panthers to Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

During last weekend's The Saturday Show on MSNBC, California Democrat Congresswoman and anti-Trump demagogue Maxine Waters claimed that if former President Trump wins the presidential election in November, there will be "Blood in the streets" and "More killings" like in the January 6, 2021 Capitol "Insurrection." "I'm concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color," Waters told host Jonathan Capehart, suggesting that the political violence will come from racist MAGA supporters: Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets.

Trump has not "Threatened" violence over the election, and her insinuation that his followers are racist is an unconscionably ugly smear - but par for the course with Mad Max.

The Democrats, who never let a good crisis go to waste, have exploited the Deep State-instigated Capitol chaos of January 6th to smear Trump supporters relentlessly as violent, white supremacist insurrectionists who are A Threat to Democracy™.

The entrapment of January 6th "Insurrectionists" notwithstanding, the overwhelming amount of political violence in modern American history has come not from the Tea Party or the MAGA crowd, but from the Democrat Party.

The left-wing Washington Post, for example, keeps up a steady drumbeat of fear-mongering editorials warning of rage and retribution from Trump "Militants." By contrast, Google the term "Political violence" and try to find coverage of left-wing violence in American news.

Despite the disinformation and bias in Big Tech resources like Google, and the relentless gaslighting and projection from the left-wing mainstream media like MSNBC and Democrat leaders like Maxine Waters, the demonstrable truth is that all but a fraction of political violence - not only recently but for decades - is attributable to the Democrat Party.

If Trump loses in November - which will only happen through massive Democrat voter fraud - it is possible that some fed-up Trump supporters may lash out in violence. 

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