Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Court Green-Lights Censorship

Government found a way into social media via direct intimidation, third-party services, and revolving doors with agencies. The majority opinion here has found a way to codify this new form of censorship that threatens the idea of free speech itself.

In 1919, the Supreme Court used the pretext of crisis to overhaul the First Amendment as it jailed critics of the Great War.

Over a century later, the Court has again fallen victim to the Beltway's prevailing zeitgeist in today's regrettable decision in Murthy v. Missouri.

Justice Alito explained the ominous message the Court sent through the two opinions.

Justice Barrett does not mention Rob Flaherty or Andy Slavitt - the two main henchmen behind the Biden Administration's censorship efforts - a single time in her holding.

Perhaps most absurdly, the Court ruled that there was no "Substantial risk of future injury" because the Government has winded down its "Frequent, intense communications" with the platforms.

As we enter another election year, can Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Barrett, or Justice Kavanaugh honestly think that these agencies - like CISA, the CIA, the FBI, and DHS - will temper their censorship efforts now that the Court has absolved them?

The case now returns to the lower court for further examination, which will lead to more discovery and more evidence of government control of speech. 

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