Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why Election Transparency Is Important

To wit, our own SC Election Commission is still trying to sue SC Safe Elections, our grassroots group, for daring to ask for information about the 2020 election.

They won't give up on their counterclaim that prevents us from obtaining, via the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, ANY information from the 2020 election and would force us to pay thousands of dollars of their legal costs.

It is essential that states across our great country not only comply with our federal and state laws but that they also provide access to these records to ensure increased confidence in our election results.

When our election officials ask us to trust the system but don't provide key reports and records it only foments distrust and suspicion.

Auditing is a key component of the election process and thus needs to be robust, observable, and trustworthy.

Wake up America, are your elections clean or are your leaders selected for you? Who owns these system manufacturers? Who is in charge of monitoring them? The people need to take back their elections.

Several lawsuits are heating up and new ones being filed that underscore multiple issues in the Pennsylvania 2020 election.

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