Thursday, June 27, 2024

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Faces Mounting Pressure As Corruption Investigation Heats Up

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is facing increased scrutiny following revelations of an alleged “pay-for-play” scheme uncovered by a left-leaning publication with media ads hitting the airwaves this week. State-solutions, Inc., affiliated with the Republican Governor’s Association, has invested in a six-figure advertisement campaign to highlight the investigation into Hobbs.

The ad released this week told Arizonans, "Three days after a state agency denied a contractor's request to charge taxpayers higher rates, a donation appeared: $100,00 from the same company into a slush fund controlled by Governor Katie Hobbs. Within months, the Hobbs administration reversed course, approving the request for more taxpayer money. Pay-to-play so brazen, Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes has launched a criminal investigation."

Mayes then sent letters to the Arizona Auditor General's Office and the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, asserting her office's authority over the investigation.

Under Arizona law, Mayes's Criminal Division of the AG's Office would handle the investigation and determine if criminal charges are warranted.

Republican State Treasurer Kimberly Yee released a letter asserting that the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, not Mayes, should handle the investigation.

Under ARS Title 11, Section 532, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office has jurisdiction over prosecuting crimes that occur within Maricopa County, including public corruption and fraud.

The Arizona Auditor General's Office is willing to collaborate with the AG's office and the Maricopa County Attorney's Office to investigate the financial aspects of the alleged scheme, particularly focusing on the rate increases approved by the Department of Child Safety.

A class 4 felony is punishable by up to almost four years in prison, fines, and disqualification from holding any public office.

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