Friday, June 28, 2024

Here's The Truth About The 'Pay Your Fair Share' Malarkey

Politicians on the Left portray the rich in America as a bunch of freeloaders who don't pay their fair share of taxes.

Third-and this is the crux of the matter-the rich already pay a disproportionate share of federal taxes.

Based on the government forecasters' estimates, those earning a million dollars or more in 2024 will pay an average of about $776,800 in federal income taxes, about 475 times as much as the average American taking home between $50,000 and $100,000.

However you look at it, the rich directly pay a huge share of federal income taxes.

If every household paid an equal share of taxes, each household would be on the hook for more than $7,500 in additional taxes for each trillion dollars of new federal spending.

The "Pay your fair share" malarkey is a diversion meant to distract Americans from seeing just how big of a share the federal government is taking out of the economy.

Tax distribution charts show that the rich pay a disproportionate amount of federal taxes, but they don't show how much of the economic fallout of excess taxes and spending ultimately lands on the middle class.

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