Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Here's Proof That Covid Injections Cause Cognitive Decline; How Does It Happen And How Do We Treat It?

In this article A Midwestern Doctor reviews the proof the covid "Vaccines" are damaging cognition and explores the mechanisms which allow it to happen so we can better understand how to treat it.

One of the things that immediately jumped out at me during that logging process was the multiple cases of a friend's parent in a nursing home receiving the vaccine, immediately undergoing a rapid cognitive decline which was "Diagnosed" as Alzheimer's disease and then dying not long after.

As Ed Dowd has repeatedly documented, there has been a large increase in physical and cognitive disability throughout the adult population which has significantly impacted the economy because of how many workers are being lost to vaccine injuries.

Evidence of Cognitive Impairment At the same time, I was observing these effects, many rumours were also swirling around online that the vaccines would cause severe cognitive impairment and that we would witness a zombie apocalypse from the vaccine injuries.

VAERS detected a massive spike in cognitive issues being reported to it after the covid vaccines hit the market.

Why Are The Vaccines Causing Cognitive Impairment? My specific interest in studying spike protein vaccine toxicity arose because I suspected I would see many similarities to other pharmaceutical injuries I had observed previously and treatments that had developed for those injuries could be used to treat covid-19 vaccine injuries.

My interest was drawn back to the CDR after I realised that one of the most effective treatments for long covid and covid-19 vaccine injuries was one that systemically treated the CDR. Since many of the therapies that have been developed to revive non-functional tissue were developed by the regenerative medical field, I wrote an article describing how these approaches are applied to restore localised regions of dysfunctional tissue and another on the regenerative treatments that treat systemic CDRs. Alzheimer's Disease Since AD is one of the most costly diseases in America, billions of dollars are spent each year in researching a cure for it, this research has had a very narrow focus on removing amyloid from the brain. 


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