Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Doctors Have Become Government Employees Who Simply Obey The Deep State

Doctors have become government employees who simply obey the Deep State.

The United Kingdom's People's Vaccine Inquiry has commenced in response to the government-led U.K. COVID Inquiry indefinitely postponing its promised inquiry into Wuhan coronavirus "Vaccines."

After the U.K. COVID Inquiry announced back in January that its planned Summer 2024 Module 4 hearing was being rescheduled, a group of concerned professionals took a page from the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry by launching its own public interest inquiry so the public can have immediate access to all of the available expert testimony.

"The willingness of doctors to stand aside and allow the enshrined principles of medical ethics to be trampled by outsiders who have no moral authority to do so has not gone unnoticed by the general public," Dr. Ajaz notes.

"Never before has there been such distrust and scepticism directed against doctors and the medical fraternity as a whole."

"A handful of doctors have tried to speak out individually, to fulfil their duty as outlined by the General Medical Council for doctors to take prompt action when they see that patient safety is being compromised. Many have received a devastating backlash from colleagues, senior managers and the mainstream media."

At the conclusion of his June 10, 2024 submission to the inquiry, Dr. Ajaz explains clearly and plainly that the role of doctors "Has increasingly shifted towards that of employees who must adhere to corporate and governmental directives, often at the expense of medical autonomy and the broader, holistic consideration of patient health."

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