Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Ever Widening War

Would Chinese troops be next? I do not believe American and European soldiers would fare well against Russians and North Koreans or Chinese.

What would the Americans and Europeans be fighting for except the profits of the military/security complex and Washington's hegemonic power which is also exercised over them? The US and European governments have destroyed their own ethnic-based countries, and the immigrant-invaders who are replacing white ethnicities have no incentive to fight Russians and North Koreans.

Why doesn't Putin take the initiative and use sufficient force to end the conflict before NATO troops arrive? Perhaps Putin could be brought to see his mistake if Russian media repeatedly asked him to explain why he chose to conduct the conflict in a way that enabled ever wider involvement by the West.

Putin could also be asked why he did not build and equip a larger Russian army during the eight years that the West built and equipped the Ukrainian army.

Was Putin unable to bring the conflict to a quick conclusion because Russia was unprepared for effective action? It does seem that Putin failed to recognize the threat.

No one in the West is speaking of peace, only of Russian surrender and withdrawal.

The only solution is for Putin to deliver an immediate knockout blow and end the conflict before it spins further out of control. 


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