Tuesday, June 4, 2024

GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham Defends Hunter Biden From Federal Gun Charges

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Monday defended President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, from federal charges relating to a gun purchase in 2018.

The younger Biden is standing trial in Delaware this week for illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing or being addicted to drugs, a violation of federal law.

"I think any average American who's done their taxes like Hunter Biden would have probably faced prosecution I don't think the average American would have been charged with the gun thing," Graham told HuffPost.

"I don't see any good coming from that." Hunter Biden admitted in a 2021 memoir that he was habitually using crack cocaine at the time of the gun purchase.

Biden's lawyers previously argued that the charges violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, citing a recent opinion by the conservative majority on the Supreme Court which declared that gun restrictions are unconstitutional unless they can trace their origins to some time between the signing of the Bill of Rights and the end of the Civil War.

Hunter Biden has also described the charges as politically motivated, claiming that Republicans are trying to "Kill" him in order to destroy his father's presidency.

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden expressed support for Hunter Biden in a statement on Monday. 


Editor's Commentary: 

It's disappointing but hardly surprising to see Senator Lindsey Graham, a self-proclaimed conservative, defending Hunter Biden, the son of our current President, from federal gun charges. This is yet another example of the swamp protecting its own and the blatant double standards that exist within the Washington elite.

Hunter Biden, a man with a well-documented history of substance abuse and questionable foreign business dealings, was found to have lied on a federal firearms purchase application, a serious offense that would result in significant consequences for any ordinary American. However, it seems that the rules don't apply to the Biden family, as Senator Graham is quick to come to Hunter's defense, likely in an attempt to curry favor with the Democratic establishment.

This type of behavior is precisely why Americans are fed up with the political class. While they preach about the rule of law and equality, they quickly abandon these principles when it involves one of their own. It's a stark reminder that we need more true conservatives in the Senate who will uphold the law and hold the powerful accountable, regardless of their political connections.

Let's be clear, Hunter Biden should face the same consequences as any other American citizen who breaks the law. Senator Graham's defense of him is a disservice to the principles of justice and equality that our nation stands for. It's time for a return to integrity and accountability in our government, and we can start by ensuring that no one, not even the President's son, is above the law.

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