Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Come Witness The Never-Trumpers' Contempt For Their Fellow Americans

If you want to know just how much leftist elites despise everyday Americans, watch how they respond to polls - including the latest I&I /TIPP Poll - showing Donald Trump still ahead of Joe Biden after being convicted of what were the crimes Trump committed again?

Even before last week's verdicts, corporate media types, Democrats, and the cadre of self-aggrandizing never-Trumpers were struggling to understand how Trump - the man who they all agree is an existential threat to the country - could possibly be polling better than Joe Biden.

If Trump continues to dominate Biden in the polls even after being found guilty on 34 counts of something-or-other those excuses will get tossed aside for naked contempt of their fellow countrymen.

The Bulwarkians are still in a state of despair because they fear the verdicts won't be enough to destroy Trump's chances in November.

What Last is really saying is that most Americans are too stupid, too ignorant, too bigoted, too easily hoodwinked, too to know what's good for them.

Last's final word on this is that: "As encouraging as Trump's conviction is, we've gotta go back to the real world in which those people are at least 45 percent of the country, and possibly more."

Democrats donald trump election 2024 elites Featured joe biden never-Trumpers The Bulwark Trump conviction. 


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