Thursday, June 27, 2024

By the numbers: Trump vs Biden on the border

 Biden has blamed Trump and congressional Republicans for what he now acknowledges is a border crisis after years of saying there is no border crisis.

Since January 2021, multiple states have sued to halt Biden's border policies and House Republicans impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, alleging he helped create the border crisis.

TCS border crisis CBP graphic U.S. Customs and Border Protection Five months before the 2024 election, Biden announced he was taking executive action to "Secure the border," but his plan, experts told The Center Square, would usher an additional two million illegally into the country and gut enforcement actions.

TCS border crisis criminal arrests graphic U.S. Customs and Border Protection Former Border Patrol agents who worked under several administrations say the numbers reflect Biden policies that invite crime.

"President Biden made it known that there would be no consequences for illegal entry. Criminals in other countries saw low-hanging fruit in America and weak leaders to exploit." What has happened, he said, is like "Putting a stack of money in the middle of a park and catching the people coming in to get it. There are more criminals coming in because they were invited in. The Biden administration created the magnet for increased crime." Apprehensions of known or suspected terrorists also increased under Biden, with the highest on record in U.S. history reported in fiscal 2023 of 736, with the majority at the northern border.

TCS border crisis terrorist graphic U.S. Customs and Border Protection Former Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan has warned that a terrorist attack is likely imminent.

While Biden has blamed Trump for the border crisis, some Democrats are distancing themselves from Biden, recognizing border security is a top concern among voters.

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