Friday, June 28, 2024

They've been covering up for an incapacitated leader and now millions of Americans know that

There probably hasn't been a debate performance as shocking and terrible as Joe Biden's was tonight.

There have been many people saying that there was no way Biden would last as the nominee and that it was only a matter of time.

Jill Biden didn't want to give it up and so Biden refused to step aside.

They likely had no choice but to push Biden out so we could see just how bad it really is.

It's also clear that our instincts were correct about how Joe Biden had to be led off the stage by Barack Obama, even though they continued to gaslight us and call it a "Cheap fake." Now, the entire world knows what liars they are.

No. Trump looked like a leader, Biden did not.

He realized early on just how badly Joe Biden was doing.

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