Friday, June 28, 2024

Project 2025: Heritage Foundation Blueprint For President Trump

Project 2025 is a proposal written by various authors within the Heritage Foundation as a blueprint for how a Trump presidency might radically alter our current government.

According to Wikipedia, this is their interpretation: "Critics of Project 2025 have described this as an Authoritarian, Christian Nationalist plan to turn the United States into an autocracy".

Dismantle the FBI, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, termination DEI programs, reduce funding for DOJ and NIH, criminalize porn, and institute tax cuts.

The Department of Education has a $88 billion budget for 3900 employees.

AIPAC has managed to evade registration under every single President for the last 70 years.

Biden's recently declared America 'needed' an unlimited flow of illegals' in order to fulfill the template wherein the educated white nonJews must be eliminated because their education allows them to exceed over Zionists.

While Zionists attend highly reputable private education institutions, the Department of Education was tasked with turning public education into a kindergarten DEI play session comprised of 1000 gender party identities with static IQ's ranging from 60-7o. NO COMPETITION! IS The Goal.

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