Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Trump Drug Rebate Rule Would Have Saved Seniors Billions; Biden Repealed It And Gave Billions To China EVs

This year, premiums are up more than 20 percent for the more than 50 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Part D. In 2025, it's estimated that premiums could go up another 50 percent! What could actually lower healthcare costs for seniors is if the federal government brings back the Trump Rebate Rule.

In 2020, President Trump announced a policy that provided seniors the chance to capture the rebates that drug manufacturers pay back to pharmacy benefit managers for preferred placement on the insurers' drug formularies.

At the time, Trump proposed a concrete plan for helping those seniors, and the total savings could be billions and billions for them.

Trump said the rebate rule "Will save American seniors billions of dollars by preventing middlemen - the famous middlemen, they call them - from ripping off Medicare patients with high prescription prices."

Although Biden has been publicly critical of PBMs himself, his administration killed Trump's rebate rule when PBMs filed a lawsuit against it.

The IRA repealed the Trump drug rebate rule, preventing those seniors most at risk from getting the savings they needed.

Maybe the White House could start by not ruining Medicare? They won't get that chance if Trump gets elected again in November and delivers real relief to seniors by restoring his rebate rule.

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