Saturday, June 22, 2024

“This is the Definition of Corruption” — AG Merrick Garland is Now Calling GOP Lawmakers, Coercing Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’

 GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said last week that she will bring force an inherent contempt vote to the House floor after the DOJ declined to prosecute US Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The Justice Department won't prosecute Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress over the Biden audio tapes.

In a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday, the department said, "The department has determined that the responses by Attorney General Garland to the subpoenas issued by the committees did not constitute a crime, and accordingly the department will not bring the congressional contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute the Attorney General." How a Faith-Based Company is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement "The DOJ is not above the law. Garland is not above the law. Inherent contempt will be called up and brought to the floor," Anna Paulina Luna said.

Senior Congressional Correspondent for Fox News Chard Pergram wrote, "Fox is told that Democrats would likely move to table or kill the resolution to hold Garland in" inherent contempt.

If the House moves to the table, the issue is dead. However, if the House rejects tabling the measure, it proceeds to hold a vote on actual inherent contempt.

Fox is told that Garland has reached out to moderate Republicans, pushing them to reject inherent contempt.

Reports are emerging that Garland is personally reaching out to moderate Republicans, urging them to vote against holding him in 'inherent contempt.

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