Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gov. Wes Moore Blames Congressional Republicans For Border Fiasco Following Migrant Murder

The case has triggered a debate over responsibility for the fiasco at the Southwest border, with Maryland Democratic Gov. Wes Moore blaming congressional Republicans for failing to pass the so-called "Bipartisan" Senate border bill - a bill I'm increasingly convinced that nobody, except me, has ever bothered to read, and one that would undermine, not support, border security and public safety.

The article states: "On 'Face the Nation' on Sunday, Democratic Gov. Wes Moore called it 'unbelievably frustrating' that a coalition of Democrats and Republicans could not approve a border bill because Trump 'said this was not advantageous politically'".

It's dismaying that our GOP Colleagues abandoned potentially historic and thoroughly bipartisan border security legislation because ex-President Trump wants a border crisis, not a border solution .... Improving border security and overhauling our ailing immigration system are long overdue policy imperatives.

That said, Raskin and Moore appeared to be on the same page with respect to three key points: H.R. 815 would have been a "Magic bullet" for what ails the border; it failed due to GOP opposition; and that opposition was spurred by Trump, who in Raskin's words, "Wants a border crisis, not a border solution".

Speaking of partisan talking points, it's shameful that none of the people cited in that Sun article - let alone the writer - ever mentions that that the border provisions in H.R. 815, recast as the "Border Act of 2024", S. 4361, failed in May due to bipartisan disapproval in the Senate - not just GOP opposition.

While I expect rank political posturing over the border from those federal representatives, I had higher hopes for Gov. Moore.

Wes Moore's ill-informed comments on the merits of the Senate border bill do nothing to protect Marylanders, two of whom were allegedly raped and murdered by illegal migrants.

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