Sunday, June 23, 2024

Democrats Turn Off The Lights On Election Fraud In Michigan

Who can forget the Dems impeaching Donald Trump for trying to have Ukraine investigate Hunter Biden when it was obvious that he was guilty as sin of numerous crimes.

In Michigan, they are employing a technique that I like to call the "Good Dog" method of crime.

Knowing full well that they intend to commit election fraud in Michigan, they have taken preemptive steps to cover up their crime The Democrats are just slightly more sophisticated than that.

Knowing full well that they intend to commit election fraud in Michigan, they have taken preemptive steps to cover up their crime.

According to The Center Square: "Senate Bills 603 and 604 would, among other changes, eliminate the board of canvasser's investigative powers, instead requiring the board to refer any allegations of fraud to the relevant county prosecutor, rather than conducting a recount. Only alleged errors could merit a recount, and only when the alleged errors could potentially change election results." The bill was originally passed by the Michigan House last Thursday, then passed by the Michigan Senate this Tuesday, sparking massive outrage.

Republicans say the problem is that recalls are currently permitted based on allegations of fraud/error alone, but with the bill enshrined in law, allegations of fraud will officially be too few to merit a recall.

"Under current law, vote recounts may be done based on allegations of fraud or mistake, but the legislation voted on today not only removes fraud as a reason for a recount but also states that recount petitions may only allege an error and requires petitions to be based on the notion that the election results would have been different without that error." According to The Center Square, the Campaign Legal Center, a well-known left-wing organization, testified in support of the bill.

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