Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Bannon and Beattie expose Nikki Haley’s new 2024 plan and the people who are eagerly backing her every step

 One of our most popular pieces ever was a mini dossier on neocon warmonger and regime globalist, Nikki Haley.

The piece, which is titled "Here's the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President," provided keen insights into her next moves and the reasons behind them.

These two catastrophic wars are the single biggest indictment of Nikki Haley and the forces supporting her, and the only way to remove that taint from the party is to follow President Trump's leads and oppose starting new wars.

Nikki Haley can't even get that part right.

As U.N. ambassador, Haley stoked conflict with Iran, declaring that it was essential to support Saudi Arabia's war effort in Yemen because the "Fight against Iranian aggression is the world's fight." Well no, Nikki, it's not.

Well, if you thought you had heard the last of Nikki Haley after she slithered out of the campaign, tired of being humiliated by the American people over and over, you were sadly mistaken.

Rumble: Thanks to all the rumors and backlash, President Trump has made it clear that Nikki Haley will not be his VP. But promises made to supporters and keeping your word are foreign concepts to someone like Nikki Haley.

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