Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Almost All Recent Global Warming Caused By Green Air Policies

 The world of climate science is in shock following extraordinary findings from a team of high-powered NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming.

The news is likely to cause considerable concern among the mainstream climate hoaxers in media, academia and politics.

Already the climate activists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact say the observation period is too short, and man-made greenhouse gases continue to play the decisive role in climate change.

The IPCC promotes the view that almost all climate change since around 1900 is caused by the activities of humans.

The NASA scientists have forced the issue of particles, or aerosols, to the centre of the climate debate, although there are other explanations for the recent rise in temperatures.

Moving further out in the betting - odds lengthening all the time, it seems - is the inventive notion that humans control the overall climate by burning hydrocarbons.

Working out of the University of New South Wales, they reported that volcanoes blasting water vapour - a strong if short-lived 'greenhouse' gas - into the high atmosphere, "Can have significant inputs on the climate system".

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