Wednesday, June 5, 2024

WHO is Pushing for SC Health Czar?

How did we stray so far from limited government? Over the last several months, concerned citizens have been flooding their legislators with emails, phone calls, social media posts, and texts urging them not to pass S915, aka the Health Czar bill.

On the last day of session, 20 minutes before the legislature recessed Sine Die, the House establishment attempted to pass S915, the Health Czar bill, which Senator Shane Martin had managed to amend favorably earlier that day.

Governor Henry McMaster held a press conference the following week to urge the legislature to pass the energy bill and the health czar bill when they come back in June to handle the election of judges.

Why is our Governor insisting on implementing an agenda from a group that has direct ties to the WHO, WEF, UN, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and whose mental health policies are a WHO initiative? Didn't McMaster just pen a letter with other governors earlier this week "Opposing proposals that would grant the World Health Organization unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its people"?

Not only that, we believe the centralization of State Medicaid users' data and the data obtained through the centralization of all of these agencies is potentially a back door for the State to access privately-insured citizens' health care data, which it could then use for "Tapping into a wealth of health and demographic data to evaluate how to serve constituents better."

Well, the SC legislature has decided to go into contract with Bill Stern again, this time to move health related agencies named in the Health Czar bill from the currently government-owned buildings to buildings leased from Stern.

Now, by creating the Executive Director of Health Policy, another layer of bureaucracy through ANOTHER office is added back in between the Governor and the Director of Public Health. 

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