Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Embattled Senator Bob Menendez Ditches Dems, Will Run As Independent.

Senator Bob Menendez is preparing to file paperwork to appear as an independent U.S. Senate candidate on the 2024 New Jersey election ballot amid an ongoing corruption trial.

The deadline for filing signatures in New Jersey is 4PM on Tuesday, which also coincides with the state's partisan primary elections.

Independent candidates require 800 signatures to qualify for the general election ballot.

Sen. Menendez, who announced in March that he would not seek re-election as a Democrat, left open the possibility of an independent run.

The National Pulse reported that the New Jersey Democrat is accused of accepting cash, gold bars, luxury wristwatches, and other perks from New Jersey businessmen in exchange for providing official favors to benefit the businessmen and the governments of Egypt and Qatar.

Menendez, 70, has fervently denied the allegations, labeling the prosecution as "Overzealous."Rep. Andy Kim, a Democratic challenger who entered the Senate race in response to Menendez's indictment, was critical of the incumbent's decision.

In a statement to ABC News, Kim asserted, "Americans are fed up with politicians putting their own personal benefit ahead of what's right for the country. Everyone knows Bob Menendez isn't running for the people of New Jersey, he's doing it for himself. It's beyond time for change and I'm stepping up to restore integrity back into the U.S. Senate." 


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