Sunday, June 23, 2024

Different Era, Same Playbook.

With regards to being an "Anti-vaxxer", like many other conspiracy theorists I became suspicious about vaccines in general once I started researching the many different ways we have been poisoned throughout the 20th century.

These shots are a brand new type of vaccines, with zero foresight as to the consequences they will have on our bodies, clearly considering the above, and we are being used as guinea pigs on a massive scale.

Generally speaking, I've become very weary of most vaccines, as the Gates fondation's vaccines have led to the sterilization of girls in certain Indian and African communities.

There is so much more to be said about the vaccines, covid and the great reset in general - but it'll have to be for another time.

ON "VACCINES", BLACKMAIL CAMPAIGNS AND THE MORAL IMPERATIVE TO SPEAK UP. Something incredibly sinister is taking place, aside from the poisoning of millions of people in the first place, including those we know personally and love.

I'm referring to the blackmailing of those who refuse to take part in this global experimentation - because that is exactly what the mass "Vaccine" operation is: no jab has been FDA approved at this stage, and it is public information that we are in phase II or III of "Research".

Take a look at this WHO 53 page psychopathic guide on "How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public", or their website's section on "Infodemics" management featuring tools/training booklets.

Notice how the term "Misinformation" was already being weaponized in 1930, in this case against the "Anti-vaccinationist", "Faddist", "Mr. Careless" and "Anti-everything" who opposed the smallpox vaccine.

Also published in 1885 in Canada, this poster slams the vaccine effects and the financial motives of its proponents, calling out the cost for these vaccines which benefits the "Pockets of the medical profession", versus spending on hygiene measures.

Sadly, what has changed is the ever increasing, insane vaccine schedules imposed on our children.

"Hundreds of cases are recorded in which the death of infants who were healthy up to the hour of vaccination followed, after greater or lesser periods of suffering, often horrible suffering, the insertion of vaccine; the suffering generally dating from the operation, and disease steadily advancing therefrom. The vaccinating doctors for the most part deny all connections between the vaccination and the death, and influence coroners' juries to pronounce death from some other cause."

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