Saturday, June 22, 2024

Busting Bureaucrats, Student Intifada, Lyin’ Biden Ads … And More

 Secret Democrat plot to replace Biden revealed — Daily Mail

Bragg drops trespassing charges against nearly all Columbia protesters — Just the News

The Supreme Court May Be on the Brink of Radically Restricting Bureaucrats’ Power — Veronique de Rugy, Reason

Should Christians Be Afraid of Christian Nationalism? — Acton Institute

Fact Check: Joe’s Wrong on Wages — Committee to Unleash Prosperity

The Problem With Government As ‘Employer of Choice’ — RealClearMarkets

As Wealth Grows, Social Security’s Political Potency Plummets — John Tamny, Parkview Institute 

What Does the Student Intifada Want? — City Journal

Buses should be transportation, not homeless shelters — Pacific Research Institute

Is Wikipedia Politically Biased? — Manhattan Institute

Former Aussie Chief Scientist Demands Governments Go Full Fascist on Renewable Energy Approvals — Watts Up With That?

Australia’s ‘Covid Honour Roll’ is Absurd — Brownstone Institute

The Nasty Guy Behind The Ladies Of The View — Association of Mature American Citizens

85,000 ‘Lost’ Unaccompanied Migrant Children — HotAir

Kamala meets with a man in a dress while Putin and Kim Jong Un conspire?! — Blaze TV

‘Insane’: Senate Dems Blasted For Adding Women To Draft — ZeroHedge

When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down The Lyin’ Biden Ads?

Election Interference: Facebook Blocks Post About Biden Campaign Disinformation

Nearly Half Of Voters Say Biden Not Mentally Fit For A Second Term: I&I/TIPP Poll

Heat Wave Sets Off New Round Of ‘Climate Crisis’ Lies

Is Biden Pulling A ‘Chung Ling Soo’ On America? Or Is It 25th Amendment Time?

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