Sunday, June 23, 2024

Biden Will Not Be the Nominee

Hunter Biden is guilty on all counts - where have we heard that before? - and up next is sentencing, another federal trial, and It is only June, but Christmas might have come early for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

There is no doubt either that Joe Biden, politician, rejoices at the ironic life-preserver that has been tossed to him as he flails in the vortex of a doomed presidency and a cursed campaign.

Things done in her name have been ineffectual in Donald Trump's case, and cases, but she can save the day for Biden and his "Legacy" and the Democrat Party in 2024.

The political survival of Joe Biden has also been a perennial routine of whining and evading and changed subjects.

Hunter Biden is destined, or doomed, to wallow in a multitude of consequences for his multitude of sins, legal transgressions, and moral failures, for the rest of his life.

Biden's "Out" will provide major rejuvenation for the Democrat Party.

Biden will become as much of a forgotten figure as Jimmy Carter became in counsels and councils.

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