Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Death Of Truth Is At Hand

June is upon us which brings my quarterly request for readers' support of this website.

Day by day it is becoming more difficult and more risky to provide information that differs from the official narratives.

In today's America coercion rules not only from government but also from corporations, universities, public schools, media, foundations such as Clooney's which has undertaken the suppression of those who provide truthful accounts on the Russian front.

Trump supporters who attended a rally are imprisoned as "Insurrectionists." The media protects official lies by demonizing truth-tellers.

Attorneys are becoming afraid to defend a demonized defendant.

The message has been delivered loud and clear that a person's success depends on his support for the official narratives.

Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, Tucker Carlson have been exiled from official media. 

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