Thursday, June 6, 2024

Miami Mayor Aims For 'Functional Zero' Homeless Population

 The mayor of Miami has an ambitious goal-to reach a "Functional zero" homeless population within his bustling city.

"We reached functional zero veteran homeless, and I realized that we could, we should, take it a step further and get to a functional zero," says Mayor Francis Suarez, a Republican who leads Florida's second-biggest city.

Miami is partnering with several organizations-including Hermanos de la Calle, Lotus House, and Camillus House-to meet the varied needs of the homeless and create a model that other cities could duplicate to tackle their own homelessness crises.

Suarez says addressing homelessness extends beyond meeting the physical, mental, and emotional needs of the homeless-cities must also create an economic environment that allows all citizens to thrive.

If city leaders want to effectively address homelessness, Suarez argues, they also must consider a "Broader macroeconomic reality" that plays a role in creating or alleviating the problem.

To this end, the mayor says Miami's government has followed three rules: "We've kept taxes low; we've kept people safe; and we've leaned into innovation."

Suarez joins "The Daily Signal Podcast" to explain how Miami is advancing toward a "Functional zero" homeless population and to share the exciting results of a recent event toward reaching that goal.

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