Thursday, June 6, 2024

Wikipedia: The Failed Experiment To Democratize Knowledge. "Character Assassinations," Censorship, An Instrument Of Global Corporatism

 The supposed separate entries for the Centre for Research on Globalization, Global Research and its editor-in-chief, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, have been merged into a single Wikipedia item, which consists of unwarranted smears, unfounded claims and disputable accusations.

Because Wikipedia dwarfs every other reference source on the face of the earth not only in size but in influence, what is at stake is the very pollution of knowledge itself.

So how can Wikipedia get way with committing such brazen abuses of truth? How can Wikipedia deliberately lie about distinguished scientists, physicians and scholars - often ruining their careers - without facing multi-million-dollar libel suits?

Under Section 230 of the Federal Communications Decency Act of 1996, Wikipedia is classed as a "Service provider," not a "Publisher." Which means it is protected from liability for articles contributed by its "Third-party" authors, whom the law naively presumes to be independent of control by Wikipedia ownership.

Articles submitted to Wikipedia are edited and often totally rewritten by Wikipedia's "Editors" to reflect the biases and agendas of Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, as well as the biases and agendas of the powerful corporations and government agencies with whom he colludes.

NHF's current Wikipedia entry describes the Federation as "An alliance of promoters and followers who engage in lobbying campaigns uses the words 'alternative' and 'freedom' for its own purposes" and is "Antagonistic to accepted scientific methods as well as to current consumer protection law." However, these Wikipedia quotes are sourced back to a militant anti-alternative medicine organization, Quackwatch, which has a long history of harassing natural health practitioners and practically every modality of alternative medicine in order to further advance its drug-based and corporate food agenda.

Wikipedia's fifteen-year relationship with the National Institutes of Health has protected the federal agency's Wikipedia page free from warranted controversy.

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