Friday, June 7, 2024

Nearly 60% of sperm samples found to contain worrying levels of glyphosate

The global food supply is now so contaminated with toxic glyphosate herbicide that nearly 60 percent of men have contaminated sperm.

Researchers from France published a study in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety revealing that three out of five sperm samples collected from a French infertility clinic showed high levels of glyphosate, the world's most commonly used weedkiller.

"The new research also found evidence of impacts on DNA and a correlation between glyphosate levels and oxidative stress on seminal plasma, suggesting significant impacts on fertility and reproductive health," reported The Guardian about the paper.

"Environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors, such as pesticides, could contribute to a decline of human fertility." Avoid glyphosate at all costs The research was undertaken to look for answers as to why global fertility rates are in freefall.

Research from 2023 that was conducted by the United States government found that glyphosate is genotoxic.

The extreme toxicity of glyphosate is at the heart of numerous ongoing legal battles that seek to hold Bayer, glyphosate's newest owner - glyphosate was originally developed by Monsanto - accountable.

Compared to glyphosate contamination of the blood, the French researchers found that concentrations of glyphosate in men's sperm is four times higher, which they described as "Worrying." "We found GLY concentrations four times higher in sperm than in blood, corresponding probably to an hemato-testicular barrier alteration," the researchers further wrote in their paper.

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