Friday, June 7, 2024

"On Hospital And Nursing Home Death Protocols"

For our book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, I interviewed several people who'd lost a family member after he or she was admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 symptoms.

With panic setting in or with a blood oxygen level below 90, the decision was made to admit the family member to hospital.

Though the witnesses I interviewed were from all over the country, their experiences with hospitals were all the same-namely, no treatment was offered to their sick family members apart from supplemental oxygen, Remdesivir, and then intubation and ventilation, ultimately resulting in death.

Several witnesses heard about treatment modalities such as methylprednisolone, ivermectin, and anti-coagulants only after their family members were languishing in hospital.

To their astonishment, hospital doctors steadfastly refused to administer these drugs to their dying family members, and hospital administrators even fought court orders to do so.

My suspicion grew when I interviewed witnesses who told me of smuggling ivermectin into hospital rooms and clandestinely giving it to their family members, some of whom then quickly improved.

Please read Ms. Watt's essay-On hospital and nursing home death protocols-and let me know what you think in the comments.

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