Friday, June 7, 2024


Hunter Biden's laptop is back in the news but as Scott notes, John Brennan could not be reached for comment.

In October of 2020, the former CIA boss joined 50 "Intelligence community" veterans in a letter branding the laptop "Russian disinformation." Hunter Biden also escaped notice in Brennan's 2020 Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies at Home and Abroad, a confessional of sorts.

"My deep religiosity as a young boy," Brennan writes, "Convinced me that I would eventually enter the seminary to join the priesthood, with the goal of becoming the first American pope." Another possibility was the military but his GPA was about 3.0, so "Not a good candidate for Officer Candidate School and not even a shoo-in to be accepted as an enlisted man." In 1980 Brennan responded to a newspaper ad for the Central Intelligence Agency, but there was a problem.

In 1976, Brennan was a 21-year-old political science major at Fordham University.

The CIA hired Brennan, who was quickly promoted from GS-15 to SIS3, "a rather astounding break with precedent." Brennan describes the CIA as "The world's premier intelligence agency" with "The best experts in the world on al-Qa'ida." Check out the meeting of CIA executives on the morning of September 11, 2001.

At the very end of the meeting, the head of CIA's Operations Center opened the conference room and announced that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center.

In 2013, in another "Astounding break with precedent," a Gus Hall voter who never should have been hired came to run the CIA. Brennan cites Joe Biden's "Substantial breadth and political acumen," but no word about Hunter's laptop.

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