Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Pro-Life Grandma Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison As Judge Appears to Mock Her Poor Health

Late last month, 59-year-old Heather Idoni was sentenced to 24 years in prison.

She's already been incarcerated for nine months, which will count towards time served.

It's been far from a pleasant experience for the grandmother, as Live Action News revealed: Idoni was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison for her part in the October 2020 activism - she has already been incarcerated for nine months, which will count toward her total sentence.

Like most of her co-defendants who received sentencing last week, Idoni will also be on probation for three years following her release, during which time she will be prohibited from coming within 1000 feet of any abortion facility.

Unlike her co-defendants, Idoni will also be required to submit to drug testing while on probation.

Idoni has reportedly suffered poor treatment and health problems during her incarceration, including an extended period in solitary confinement during which time the lights in her cell were kept on around the clock, a subsequent stroke, and the denial of necessary medicine by jail officials.

During a recent pre-trial hearing in another case, Idoni was kept in shackles - as if she were a violent offender. 


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