Monday, December 30, 2024

Sugar Juice & Fraud Propped Up Failing Biden Economy – Ed Dowd

Former Wall Street manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd has shared insights on how the Biden Administration has supported a struggling economy during the 2024 election year. He believes that "crisis level spending" and significant "fraud" have been employed to create a false sense of economic stability. Dowd compares current spending, which reached an 8% deficit to GDP, to the 10% deficit during the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009, questioning the absence of a real crisis beyond electoral motivations. The administration's spending was aimed at ensuring re-election, borrowing from the future by increasing government jobs and allowing illegal immigration, which he estimates added 10 million to 15 million immigrants in the past four years, further straining the economy.

The influx of illegal immigrants and resulting government spending are characterized as unproductive. Dowd suggests President Trump’s future policies would reverse this economic "sugar juice," expecting mass deportations and diminished government spending to follow. He notes the unsustainability of current economic practices and predicts a revolt in bond markets. Dowd attributes the masking of economic issues to misleading data, stating that employment figures were exaggerated by 1. 25 million jobs, leading to erroneous decisions by corporations and the Federal Reserve.

He anticipates downward revisions of GDP numbers and increased pain in 2025 due to these misjudgments and a general slowing global economy. He emphasizes that certain strategies must be enacted under a potential Trump administration for a recovery, hinting at a need for quick implementation. Despite his concerns, Dowd encourages gold investments and suggests holding cash.

Additionally, Dowd warns of increasing humanitarian and health issues possibly linked to COVID-19 vaccinations, reporting a significant rise in new disabilities and cancer cases among younger workers. He believes that the health insurance industry will see rising costs as claims increase. He discusses broader implications on healthcare due to these issues.

The interview featuring Dowd is part of a series with Greg Hunter, aimed at providing detailed economic analysis. Visitors to the site can access Dowd’s updated book and new economic reports on his personal website. Various comments from readers offer personal insights, reflecting on their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, questions related to Trump’s role in the vaccination discourse, and concerns about future geopolitical situations. The discussions illustrate a community engaged with the broader implications of public health policy and government fiscal actions.

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