Monday, June 3, 2024

White House Spox John Kirby Says World Leaders Appreciate the Way Biden Has “Revitalized Our Alliances and Partnerships and Our Networks Around the World”

 White House spokesman John Kirby was on "This Week" on ABC with host George Stephanopoulos to discuss Biden's "Strength" on the world stage.

"Former President Trump said this morning on Fox News that the world is out of control and laid the blame on President Biden because he said world leaders don't respect President Biden. Your response?" Stephanopoulos asked.

"They appreciate the way the President has revitalized our alliances and partnerships and our networks around the world and how we have stood up to aggression," Kirby said of world leaders regarding Biden.

Looking at Joe Biden's record at home and abroad clearly shows that the world does not respect him.

Joe Biden has a difficult time even putting sentences together.

Watch: In addition to his inability to form coherent sentences, last month Biden struggled to welcome the Kenyan leader as he struggled to walk and follow simple directions.

Watch: It is hard to believe any world leader takes Biden seriously.

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