Tuesday, June 4, 2024

HPV Vaccine The war on adolescents

There is no 'top trumps' on the worst of vaccines that include an aluminium adjuvant.

So-called vaccines against the human papilloma virus must give most a run for their money.

I say vaccine and not vaccines because we were at least able to knock Glaxo Smith Klein's Cervarix on the head. This leaves us with Merck's Gardasil vaccines.

No so-called vaccine, probably including covid products, has maimed and killed more adolescents over the past twenty years.

Let's start about ten years ago with an interview I gave for Christina England.

A few years later I gave an interview to Courtenay Heading on the Isle of Man.

There are a number of lawsuits ongoing looking to bring Merck, the pedlar of Gardasil HPV vaccines, to justice. 


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