Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Evidence Is In: Progressivism Is a Mental Illness

Highly educated progressive white Jews, in particular, are consciously aware that hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide wish violent harm upon Jews.

The emotional coping mechanism of displacement allows progressive Jews to redirect their fear of Muslims onto safer ephemera that they do not fear - Christians, for example, who will turn the other cheek, or white male Gentiles, or Republican voters who have done them no harm and are no threat to Jews.

Not content merely to sacrifice his own daughter on the altar of his progressive ideology, Ladenburger demanded that the refugee program be dramatically expanded, with unlimited numbers of African and Muslim refugees welcomed into Europe so that untold thousands more could be raped, assaulted, and killed, all for the greater moral good of Germany and the E.U. Although a minority of whites are progressives, a majority of progressives are whites.

Progressive whites have a reductionist, racist view of blacks and other ethnic minorities as exotic but pitiable, helpless, and childlike, without personal agency, with no free will, no moral compass, no impulse control, and therefore no responsibility for their actions.

Mentally juxtaposing black skin color with rampant crime and other social pathologies causes cognitive dissonance, because progressive whites simply cannot abide, or even acknowledge, the suggestion that they as progressive white Democrats might be racist.

White progs cope with the cognitive dissonance by displacing their negative perceptions about black behavior onto other whites, blaming and accusing those "Other" whites of racism toward blacks.

Dry Republican policy prescriptions that would actually benefit the black community and greater society alike are no match for Democrats' hysterical emotional appeals, nonstop ululating about racism, so-called white privilege, genocide, and other progressive tropes and faux controversies.

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