Saturday, June 8, 2024

Milei Keeps Cutting, Radicalized In Kindergarten, California Climate Spending Cuts … And More

 If They’re Talking ‘Monopoly,’ They Don’t Have Clue What One Is — John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Argentina’s Milei To Cut 50,000 State Jobs Amid Legislative Challenges — Reason

In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten — Christopher Rufo, City Journal

 The War on Oil and Gas has Cost America $250 Billion in Lost Output — Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Would the Sky Fall if Newsom’s Environmental Budget Cuts Are Enacted? Reality Says No — Pacific Research Institute

Is California Trying to Kill Its Tech Economy? — Steven Greenhut, R Street Institute

UPenn issues new rules on protests that bans encampments after pro-Palestine protests — Just the News

New memo shows how FBI pressured Nashville Police about trans killer’s manifesto after Christian school mass killing — Blaze Media

Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global — ZeroHedge

California Gov. Newsom unveils new plans to defund the police in crime-ridden state after massive budget deficit — Daily Mail

Denied a Diploma for Calling Jesus Christ ‘The Way’? — Intellectual Takeout

Hillary Clinton Makes Disgusting and Vile D-Day Post — RedState

What is the grammar of left-wing protesters telling us? — Law & Liberty

McConnell: SCOTUS Should Punish 2 Dems Over Recusal Demands — Newsmax

Harvard Ends Loyalty Oath — Power Line

Part Deux: Biden Campaigns in France — HotAir

 Despite Court ‘Guilty’ Verdict, Trump Gains On Biden In Court Of Voter Opinion: I&I/TIPP Poll


Climate Hysterics Keep Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud

Come Witness The Never-Trumpers’ Contempt For Their Fellow Americans

In No Way MAGA, RFK Jr. Is Far To The Left Of Biden

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